Stage I
Once the client receives (within a maximum of 48 hours from the transmission), by fax, the notification regarding the acceptance or rejection by the Romanian Energy Efficiency Fund, of the Funding Application (Form no. 1), the first stage ends.

Stage II
At this stage, the client provides, by completing Form no. 2 (a – for trade companies with private or mixed capital or b – for local public administration authorities), an important volume of information, following the structure and content explained in the sub-page Forms.
Stage III
Stage IV
The stage consists in the signing by the parties of the Funding Agreement and, as the case may be, of the Guarantee Contract or Contracts assigned by the client in favour of the Romanian Energy Efficiency Fund.

In general, forty-five (45) calendar days may elapse between the moment of expressing the intention and the first drawdown of the loan approved by the Fund for the funding by the client of one or more investment projects in the field of energy efficiency.
This duration may be reduced provided that the client makes available and provides to the Fund’s experts in a timely manner the documentation and information necessary to complete the basic analysis preceding the signing of the Agreement in principle.
Throughout the collaboration with the client, the Romanian Energy Efficiency Fund ensures the privacy of the data regarding the client and its activity.
With the client’s consent, and only after starting the implementation of the energy efficiency project, the Fund may publish details on the project, its financial analysis and estimated benefits (energy and primary resource savings, reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and financial savings).