up to 1mil. $

The requested funding is up to US $ 1 million (or more, for high-performance investments)

minimum 20%

At least 20% of the financing to be covered by the beneficiary (from own or attracted sources)

maximum 4-5 years

The payback period of the investment should be a maximum of 4-5 years

at least 50%

The investment brings financial benefits, at least 50% of which come from energy saving or primary energy resources

Positive financial results

Positive financial results or indicating the potential for development and support of the investment proposed for funding

Environmental permit

Existing or in progress environmental permit

Tobacco, alcohol, weapons

Non-involvement in economic activities in the tobacco, alcohol and weapon industries

Independent regime or PPP

Promoting investment in independent or public-private partnership (PPP)

Simple technologies

It is preferable for investments to be made in simple technologies, verified in practice

The Eligibility Criteria checklist can be downloaded below


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